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149 Certificate

A 149 Certificate contains information about your property. These are written conditions about the land which may or may not affect the granny flat approval and construction.  These items are usually ‘paper’ items which cannot be visually seen when viewing the land. We look at a 149(2) & (5) planning certificate for two reasons:

  • To check that the property is compliant with State Government Requirements
  • To find out if there are any issues on the land that may affect the approval process, approval cost and construction cost

Here is a short list of what to look for:

  • Zoning – Must be between R1 & R4
  • Conservation, Heritage or Critical Habitat – If your 149 states any of these, then a DA is required.
  • Complying Development ‘may be’ carried out (Under the Complying Development/ General Housing Code Heading) – If your 149 certificate states ‘may not’, then a DA is required.
  • Mine Subsidence – If your property is in a Mine Subsidence area, then approval by the Mine Subsidence board is required. This extends the approval process.
  • Bushfire Zone – If your property is in a bushfire zone, then a bushfire consultant must be engaged to determine the BAL rating (Bushfire Attack Level), and a BAL certificate must be provided. Depending on the BAL rating, this may affect the cost of construction as each BAL rating requires certain materials to be used during the build.
  • Flood Zone – If your property falls in a flood zone, this will usually have an impact on the time needed for design and approval and additional costs during all stages.
    1. An AHD survey will be required (additional cost)
    2. Flood Advice from council is required (additional cost and time)
    3. Hydraulic Engineer is required (additional cost and time)
    4. The building may have to be raised (possible additional cost)
    5. If the property is in a high flood zone, approval through your local council via DA (development application) may be required.
  • Tree Preservation Orders – If you have a tree preservation order on your land, this means that no trees can be pruned or removed without council permit.

A 149(2) or 1492) & (5) Planning certificate can be purchased from your local council. Most councils now have an online electronic portal for purchasing 149’s and other documents.

Title Search


Sewer Diagram & Sewer Location

Upon assessment of a sewer diagram and a site visit we can usually determine whether there will be sewer issues on the site or not.

The first thing to identify is the location of the sewer mains by viewing the sewer diagram. It’s also important to view how the sewer lines are connected to the main house. The sewer diagram can be found in your purchase contract or can easily be purchased from Sydney Water for about $26.


Title Search

A title search is a document tells us the present state of the title. Listed on the title search are:

  • A correct description of the land
  • FIRST SCHEDULE: Owner or registered proprietor
  • SECOND SCHEDULE: All of the registered interests affecting or benefiting the land eg, mortgages, easements, restrictions, covenants, right of way etc.

When building a granny flat, for assessment purposes, we are interested in the second schedule.  We are looking for any interests that may affect the cost of the build or additional process. Eg. If a drainage easement is listed on a title search, then we know that we can use this to connect the stormwater.

The title search is a very important document to review prior to moving forward with a granny flat. Failure to check this document could mean major cost surprises down the track, and worst case scenario, the possible cancellation of your granny flat.

Title Search

Have questions?

If you are interested in building a granny flat to your property, either for
investment, extra income or additional living space for family, contact
us today.

Granny Flats Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 49 137 405 513
8/10 Anella Avenue, Castle Hill 2154


Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm
Closed for lunch 1pm-1:45pm daily


Saturdays – Closed
Weekdays – 9am – 4:30pm

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